What I'm doing now

Last Updated April 30th, 2024, from Netherlands.

Settling down

We call Eindhoven city in Netherlands our home now. We got our home and I’m slowly becoming a part time handy man to get this house up to our standards.


At my age, I can’t take shortcuts in terms of physical activity - so I’m trying to regularly train Kickboxing/Muay Thai and go wakeboarding at least one a week.


At my free time I work on my passion project - https://poshtui.com. I don’t write about it much, to focus more on building. But I try to sell some lifetime license for early stage adopters. App is a bit lacking now, but it’s getting there step by step.


5 years ago ground I was standing on has seriously shaken - a lot of negative things happened in a short time frame. It was really hard to cope with all of that, even therapy didn’t completely help me… I’m currently educating myself on emotional intellegence, rebuilding grownd I should be standing on.

Habits are everything!

Working on building up correct set of habits. Family life requires some stability and balance is easy to tip over.