Did I waste my time 'launching' on product hunt?

I should admit, I had my project featured on Product Hunt before – for no particular reason. It was a total hack - just a bunch of links with some text and a fancy domain (with ‘digital nomads’ trigger word). it was intoxicating! If only I built something serious … right?

Two years later… I spent 2 days preparing to launch FbaCatalog on Product Hunt. I did all of it:

  • different messages for different ‘mediums’ – twitter, facebook, reddit, indie hackers – you name it
  • good enough subscriber list from fbamonthly.com
  • screenshots, description
  • “recommended” timing for a post on PH

I probably overdid it in my attempt to “make it”. I didn’t get featured… But something else was buzzing in my mind all this time… “Why did I launch on PH?”

There were enough reasons not to… I did my research:

  • There was very view Amazon Seller related projects on PH
  • I already tried launching https://fbamonthly.com with zero luck

All this time tt was in my face – my target audience was not on PH. I’m probably trying to admit, that I spent two whole days stroking my ego in a right way.